

Transportation introduction

 Take the expressway
The Seoul districts : Shintanjin IC → Daejeon 3·4 industrial complex → Artone Paper MFG (left turn) → Migun Techno world → Daejeon Techno park (15 minutes)
The Busan districts · Gwangju districts : North Daejeon IC (right tern) → Lottemart (right tern) → Gumsildv C.C → Daejeon Techno park (15 minutes)

Daejeon station : Bus (701) → Migun Techno world → Walking (3 minutes)
West Daejeon station : Take a taxi (40 minutes)
Shintanjin station : Take a taxi (15 minutes)

 Express bus
Daejeon terminal : Bus (701) → Migun Techno world → Walking (3 minutes) or Take a taxi (30 minutes)
Dunsan terminal : Bus (918) → Migun Techno world → Walking (3 minutes) or Take a taxi (20 minutes)